Answers to the most frequently asked questions:

What are Clinical Trials?

Within the scope of clinical trials, medication is extensively tested on a few and usually healthy people regarding efficacy, tolerability, and safety. If the desired effects emerged and the medication turns out to be compliant, further phases are initiated. These steps take place in university clinics, hospitals, specialized study sites and also in (specialist) doctors' practices.

Clinical research is considered one of the most important milestones in the development of agents, as it is an indispensable element of medical progress. The goal is to improve efficacy and tolerability of medication and therapy options.

As a result of medical progress, a lot of diseases can be cured. It takes a long path to create a marketable medication, starting with the development in the laboratory. Every single medication, being available today, was once tested and evaluated within a clinical trial.

Therefore, participating in a clinical trial is advantageous for you and other people.

We help heal - help us!

What are the Phases of a Clinical Trial?

During pre-clinical testing, the agent's ingredients are tested physically and chemically to investigate their influence on metabolism and possible adverse effects.

Phase 0
  • Participants: approximately 20 - 80 healthy people
  • Duration: weeks up to months
  • Goal: investigating tolerability and safety of medication on healthy people
Phase 1
  • Participants: approximately 50 - 200 people
  • Duration: several months
  • Goal: testing the effectiveness on selected individuals
Phase 2
  • Participants: approximately 200 - 10.000 people
  • Duration: several months up to years
  • Goal: tests on a large number of affected persons or patients
Phase 3

Medication is authorized in Germany after successful completion of phase 0 to 3 and approval according to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM).


  • Participants: at least 1,000 people
  • Duration: several years
  • Goal: observation and monitoring of medication for adverse effects
Phase 4

What do I get out of Participating in Clinical Trials?

Participating in clinical trials fosters medical progress. The development and improvement of new therapy options and advanced medication is only possible with your help as a patient. Simultaneously, you'll have the earliest possible access to new treatment methods and specialized healthcare. During and after the implementation of trials, study doctors will take care of you. Your participation enables you to learn more about your disease.

Your Advantages as a Study Participant

  • Access to innovative therapies and improved treatment options
  • Comprehensive medical elucidation and advice
  • High safety and quality standards
  • Close-meshed treatment and close coordination with your primary care physician and specialist
  • 100% free preliminary and follow-up examinations
  • Appointments available at short notice and flexible
  • No waiting periods
  • Fixed contact persons and study teams
  • Adequate refund of travel expenses (variable depending on the study)

How Safe are Clinical Trials?

First things first: the implementation of clinical trials is safe and reliable as it is subject to very strict legal, ethical and internationally binding guidelines.

SIGAL SMS doctors are expected to solely work on the basis of recent legal requirements and medical standards. Our doctors are continuously trained on the basis of current guidelines and laws of the various specialities.

All studies implemented by SIGAL SMS have been certified and approved by the Ethics Committee of the State Medical Association and by other national/international Ethics Committees, before they’re offered to patients as a treatment option.

Before our network partners receive any access to clinical trials, it is precisely examined if the trial meshes with existing treatment concepts. Subsequently, decisions are made whether participation is worth considering.

How Can I Participate in Clinical Trials?

In the following, you'll be informed about clinical trials our network conducts throughout Germany. If you are interested in participating, please register without obligation and completely free of charge.

The SIGAL Team will contact you and provide you with detailed study information.

Our goal is to advance research and medical progress.

We help heal - help us!

Is a Participation in Clinical Trials Remunerated?

Participation in phase 1 studies (testing of a new agent or therapy on healthy people) is usually reimbursed. Phase 2 to 4 you’ll receive an expense allowance which is primarily intended to cover travel costs. Depending on the respective trial, extraordinary expenses may be additionally remunerated.

Apply for study

Are you interested in participating in an ongoing study or would you like to register in our patient database without obligation? If so, we would be pleased to hear from you!

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